Winter Operations

2023 Maintenance Season

The SFNF TERMITES halts routine trail maintenance operations once snow covers trails or the ground freezes. Generally, the altitude of a proposed trail maintenance site will determine when routine operations are halted during the winter, and when they resume as winter ends. Thus, locations such as the Chamisa Trail and Hyde Memorial State Park are some of the first and last areas to be worked.

During the winter the SFNF TERMITES strives to remove downed trees as quickly as possible from trails that are heavily used during the winter months. This typically includes portions of the Winsor Trail, the Bear Wallow – Winsor – Borrego Trail loop, the Chamisa and Saddle Back Trails, Norski Track, Alamo Vista Trail, Black Canyon Trail, and the Big Tesuque Trail.

During January the SFNF TERMITES saw team sawed and removed trees blocking the Chamisa, and portions of the Winsor Trail. Popular trails are monitored for downed trees on an ongoing basis.


Winsor Trail – Steps project


Hyde Memorial State Park