Hyde Memorial State Park

Maintenance Activities 

Summer 2023

Several maintenance tasks were undertaken in Hyde Memorial State Park over several days. Maintenance accomplishments performed by SFNF TERMITES” teams included the following: 1) Completed sawing and removing tree and tree debris encroaching on the West Circle Trail; 2) sawed and removed one large and several smaller trees either blocking or encroaching on the Girl Scout trail; 3) replaced deteriorating water bars on the Girl Scout Trail; and 4) adjusted the trail for drainage and to reduce erosion.

All maintenance activities performed by the SFNF TERMITES are coordinated and approved by the Hyde Memorial Park Superintendent or other responsible party. 

Tasks associated with this project included sawing downed trees using the two-person cross-cut saw, rolling the log out of place using the cant hook, finding and skinning logs to be used in water bar replacement, debarking the log using a draw knife, digging a trench for the water bar to sit in, locking the water bar into place, and grading the trail to facilitate proper drainage at both the water bar and other locations along the trail were required.


Winter Operations