SFNF TERMITES Volunteer Trail Maintenance Team

2023 Accomplishments

The SFNF TERMITES perform trail maintenance activities in the Santa Fe National Forest, including the Pecos Wilderness, and Hyde Memorial State Park. 

Twenty-four TERMITES volunteers performed over 1100 hours of trail maintenance during this period.  Some maintenance projects were close to the trail head while others required a round trip hike, with tools, of up to twelve miles. Maintenance team size can range from two volunteers to 8 volunteers. The number of volunteers required is based on the task to be accomplished and the distance the project is from the trailhead. Each team is supervised by a Team Lead. Volunteers are provided with a hard hat, safety glasses, and work gloves, as well as the tools required to complete a project.

In the winter before the upcoming summer maintenance season the SFNF TERMITES Project Coordinator, with input from other TERMITES and the U.S. Forest Service, develops an annual project plan proposing maintenance projects for the upcoming maintenance season. Individual project plans include the name of the project, what maintenance activity is proposed, restrictions of the maintenance to be performed, details of the maintenance activity, and the estimated timeline for completing the project unless it is an ongoing project such as downed tree removal. The plan may also include the minimum number of volunteers and certifications, if any, needed for certain tasks. Once completed the project plan is submitted to the responsible US Forest Service Ranger District (typically Espanola Ranger District) or Hyde Memorial State Park. Once the project plans are completed 

Notice of an upcoming project and the solicitation of volunteers for the project are generally announced the weekend before the work week. Usually, there are set days, based upon the number of volunteers available for a given day of the week, that projects are scheduled for.

Major projects worked during the 2023 maintenance season include the following:

Section 2:    Downed tree removal

Section 3:    Norski Cross-Country Ski Track and hiking trail

Section 4:    Pecos Valley scouting and downed tree removal activities 

Section 5:    Winsor Trail – Corner fence replacement project

Section 6:    Winsor Trail rehabilitation – between Ski Basin Parking Lot and the end of the first long switchback above the ski basin

Section 7:    Winsor Trail temporary and permanent sign installation 

Section 8:    Winsor Trail – Steps project

Section 9:    Winter Operations

Section 10:   Hyde Memorial State Park

Below in each section is a brief summary, along with pictures, of each project worked during 2023. The projects are listed by Section.