Upcoming Maintenance Projects

Check below for updated dates and details on upcoming projects!

Email ProjectCoordinator@sfnftermites.org for more questions.

Hyde Park: May 1 & May 4

See Project No. 9

Location: Hyde Memorial State Park - Girl Scout Trail 

Dates: May 1st (Monday) and May 4th (Thursday)

Time: 0830 Hours to approximately 2:00 pm or sooner

Meeting location: Hyde Park Visitor Center

Monday, May 1st:

Maintenance Description: The Girl Scout Trail loop is relatively short, maybe half a mile, with both ends terminating at or near the highway. Tasks will include sawing and removing 4 trees blocking the trail and clearing the trail of tree debris, light brushing and overhead pruning, replacing 3-4 deteriorated log water bars, clearing the trail of small tree debris and rocks that represent a trip/fall hazard, and creating a short channel to divert water off the trail on the west end.

Thursday, May 4th:

Maintenance Description: We will be sawing and removing logs blocking or encroaching on the Circle Trail, removing brush growing in or encroaching on the trail, and light trail tread work to facilitate drainage. This is the continuation of a project that started last year.

Remember to bring water, and snacks/lunch

Safety: Please wear long pants and shirts, those of you that do not have them will be provided with a safety helmet, gloves, and safety glasses.

If you are interested in participating in this project please contact: ProjectCoordinator@sfnftermites.org (button to the right).

Complete the Volunteer Release form for Hyde Park. Return the completed form to me (Walter) no later than the day of the project by email or in person on the day of the project.

Also if you have not done so you will need to complete a SFNF TERMITES volunteer release form, and return to: volunteer@sfnftermites.org


Project No. 1: Ongoing Removal of Downed Trees in the SFNF